Slow down, friend.
This life is more than doing.
It is beauty to behold and a heart to fill.
It is a gift unlike any other and it is worth living well.
Recognize stress and worry for the thieves they are.
Embrace peace and joy instead.
Focus not on perfection or how well you can please others
But love with your whole self and do your best in all things.
You’ll be tempted to hurry and rush right through,
But walk, don’t run.
See each moment and hold it as long as you can
Then let it go and wrap your arms around the next.
Be present wherever you are and see, really see, those who share your journey.
Look your children in their eyes and breathe in time spent there.
Cherish your spouse with love and respect and hold hands, too.
See the gift of the moment and linger long.
The rewards of living exist in loving and being loved.
It is not found at the top of the corporate ladder
In the bottom of an emptied laundry basket
Or even in the middle of the living room of a big, fancy house.
The most important things can be felt with the heart
Can be taken with you wherever you go
Will never leave you no matter your circumstances
And will grow with you no matter your age.
Work hard, yes, but don’t forget to live.
Accomplish much but accomplish things that matter.
Don’t be afraid of the big things, but don’t miss the little things.
Dream God-sized dreams and acknowledge the ones that have already come true.
Be brave and step out of the boat
Gather courage and dare to fly
Soar to greater heights and make your place in history
But keep your roots deep and remember love is kind.
Slow down, my friend.
This life is more than doing.
This life, your life, is a gift
And it is worth living well.
Shelly, thank you for this. Truly a blessing today.
<3….I needed that…