This week one of the labels we talk about is AFRAID. I know a lot about this label. Growing up I was afraid of most everything. But more than being afraid of the dark or afraid to speak in front of the class (flashback to Jr. High Speech class and blubbering my words through tears), I have often been afraid of fully embracing this space God has carved out for me.
Because sometimes mothering and writing and ministry can seem insignificant (unless, perhaps, you are on the NYT Best Sellers List or boarding a flight for your next international speaking event) and other times it can feel really, really scary (probably especially if you are on the NYT Best Sellers List or boarding a flight for your next international speaking event).
- Am I making a difference?
- Does this matter?
- Am I enough?
- Am I doing enough?
- Have I missed God somehow?
- Do others approve?
Tasks go unnoticed, words go unpublished, and these moments are not often returned with a certificate of a job well done or a paycheck every Friday.
It’s easy to look at other women and think, “If I could only do THAT,” because, well, I see super-hero capes when I look at you mamas with full-time jobs and careers outside of the home.
It’s easy to be afraid that what we are doing doesn’t matter or isn’t making a difference.
It’s easy to be afraid that we aren’t enough.
But God wants to give us courage to believe we can make a difference right where we are.
And when we understand that our value is not in what we do but in what Jesus has already done for us, we might dig our heels in and plant firmly in this God appointed space no matter what opposition comes or what others think.
Because no matter your space, “You are without limits because of the unlimited God who lives in you” (Derwin Gray).
So, “Take your staff, your slingshot, and grab your five rocks. Use the gifts and abilities God has given you, and sling them at the giants you will face” (Derwin Gray).
And if what you’re doing feels small (btw – mothering is NO SMALL THING, in case you were wondering) – consider that God has placed His finger on every detail of your life. Even this one.
If what you’re doing feels small, remember there’s a great, BIG God who loves you beyond measure and takes delight in turning even the ordinary into extraordinary.
Because this small thing you’re doing today spills over into tomorrow. And tomorrow leaks into next week. And next week could set the stage for the next ten years.
Every moment, every day, is a seed planted in the soil of tomorrow.
That means we’ve got no time to waste, friends.
I’m ripping off AFRAID and I’m putting COURAGEOUS in its place.
Because in Jesus, I’m already enough.
And you are, too.
I am working on this “And when we understand that our value is not in what we do but in what Jesus has already done for us” – I, too, also feel small and insignificant at times. I am learning to see my value in Christ more than my “value” in what I do (in Man’s terms). Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed day!!!
Yes, Gena, this is such an important key to being able to walk in the power and authority that is available to us. We have to know our value is in Him alone. Thanks for stopping by today!
Amen!! It’s in the power of our rembrance where our faith can be built or destroyed-like Paul we must forget the things that are behind and press on to the upward call of God in Christ Jesus!! This reminds me to remember His word over my circumstances and not despise the days of small beginnings. I’ve got that label of Afraid coming off!!
Amen and amen!
Thank you for writing about From Afraid to Courageous. I’m struggling in this area. I know God is bigger than any of my issues until I remember Job and his children. I know God allows trials into our life to mature us. Remembering God is bigger than my issues is helpful in most cases for me. I’m not sure how to get from afraid to courageous in all situations though, like the fear of being in a plane crash, painfully suffering through a horrible disease, or being abandoned as a child. I want to believe that it is possible to get from afraid to courageous. I truly believe what God says ‘ All things are possible through Jesus Christ who strengthens us’, I’m just having troubles envisioning it. Blessings Sherry Allinger
HI Sherry . . . I am confident that what you are searching for is found in knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt the incredible, amazing, unconditional, and limitless love that God has for you. We can have courage – not because of ourselves – but because of Jesus. HE is our courage. When we understand how deep and how wide this great love for us is, we can bravely face life’s challenges and trials and fears because we can be confident that He is right there with us. I think we might still feel some fear or anxiety over certain things from time to time, but we can choose to trust Him instead of our feelings. We can act on His faithfulness instead of our emotions. It’s a process for sure. And we are all walking it together. So glad you’re a part of the OBS community! Thank you for sharing your heart here. Blessings!
And remember this great quote from Nelson Mandela that Derwin Gray shared, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”
As a homeschooling mom I feel very alone & insignificant sometimes. But you are right what I am doing today is planting seeds for tomorrow. I know this is what God has called me to do. I am moving from afraid to courageous! Thank you for tour words of encouragement!
Hi Jenny! So glad you found encouragement here today! And guess, what? I’ll be joining the ranks of all you awesome homeschooling supermoms as of this September!
Amen! Love the post today. And loving the OBS!
Thanks, Michele! I’m loving this OBS, too!
I think of a seed – and God being the water that flows to it – and one day this tree will stand strong – and withhold any element.
Thanks for sharing !
Shelly, thank you so much for your words today. Sometimes I feel like I am not doing anything special in life. Then, I am reminded that even the smallest of things are important, when they honor and glorify God. Also, I am important because I am a child of God.
Yes, yes, yes! God has ordained these moments, too. Even those that feel so unimportant. We can embrace this place and honor Him in each little detail. Thanks for stopping by and sharing, Melissa!
Amen Shelly even the smallest of things plant seeds. Loved how you described it spilling over into tomorrow and leaking into next week and the stage for the next ten years. Beautiful. Love you. Debbie W. (Proverbs 31 OBS Ministry Team)
Thank you, Debbie! Love you, too, friend!
I love that “Every moment, every day, is a seed planted in the soil of tomorrow.” So true, and a reminder to me that everything I do is teaching my children how to live. Nothing is too small! Thank you Shelly. Your words always bless me.
Thank you for your words! I really needed to hear them tonight.
Very encouraging words. Thank you. Janine