For one whole year I’ve had this new website. And for one whole year I’ve posted (quite sporadically, I might add) here without one single post going to your email. Can I just say I’m sorry? I’m terrible at all the technical stuff and really didn’t even know where or how to communicate to those of you who have been kind enough to place your email on my subscription list (thank you for that, by the way).
That being said, a friend’s very smart husband has graciously worked his magic and set up what should have been set up last year. So I’m writing this update and crossing my fingers that you’ll see it in your inbox when I hit publish.
Can you let me know if you can hear me now? Maybe come back here and leave a comment?
You’re the BEST!
Now back to that whole sporadic posting thing.
Things are shifting yet again for me. More changes on the horizon but they are good things. So I’m hopeful that this little space on the internet will begin to hum once more with words and pictures and whatever else we can get into together.
For now, here are a few places you can find me.
- This week, I’m leading our study over at the Proverbs 31 OBS blog.
- Click HERE for Monday’s post.
- Click HERE for Tuesday’s post.
- Click HERE for Wednesday’s post.
- And I’ll be back on Friday with a video and this should get you there —> P31 OBS Current Study
- You can sign up for The Best Yes Bible Study HERE
- I’m also part of the Team 365 and Deeper Waters Writing Team with my beautiful friend Denise and a whole bunch of other amazing ladies.
If you haven’t signed up yet but would like to be put on my mailing list, you can do that HERE.
Ok, I think that about does it with the links! Whew.
Coming up soon will be some fun posts and pictures about my time at the Proverbs 31 OBS Real Life Dreams Retreat in Asheville, North Carolina. I’m still trying to put into words what God did that weekend. So, so good.
Here’s a sneak peek of some of our fun.

Oh, and did I tell you I’m homeschooling now? You can BET there will be some posts (and maybe some cries for help) about that little journey.
One last thing. I posted this on my Facebook page this morning. I’m praying that if it’s for you, it will be like a warm, fuzzy blanket placed over your shoulders on a cold, winter evening.
That hard place you’re in right now? That thing you’re not sure if you can do? God is there. He is big enough. And HIs grace? It’s sufficient, my friend.
But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and [a]show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. ~ 2 Corinthians 12:9a AMP
I’m praying for you tonight. Really, I am.
Yay!! Received an email today! Looking forward to more posts!!
Yay!! Thanks for sharing this journey with me, friend! xoxo
Hi Shelly, I got your blog so happy to get it. Thank you so much. Have a blessed day. Barbara
Yay!!! So happy you are here Barbara!!
Happy day!
Yay!! Hi Melissa! So glad we’re on this journey together!!
I hear you and I got an email!!! Great picture from the retreat btw!!!
Yay!! And I LOVE our picture!! I will cherish it always!
I don’t subscribe through email, but am thankful to receive your posts in Bloglovin!