Are you waiting for just one more thing to fall into place so you can do that thing you know you’re supposed to do?
Are you holding out for perfect conditions before you step out in faith and into that scary, beautiful, unknown territory God is calling you to? You know, that place the deepest parts of your heart and soul long for?
I’m a firm believer in God’s perfect timing and a divine order of doing things. I also know from personal experience that sometimes we think we are waiting on God, but God is waiting on us.
I can count a hundred (gazillion) times I’ve hesitated to do something I know God has called me to do because I felt like I wasn’t ready or I couldn’t see how it was possible or I counted (and recounted) all the ways it could go wrong.
Ecclesiastes 11:4 says, “He that observeth the wind shall not sow, and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.”
If we know God is leading but we continue to wait until we feel ready, the truth is we probably won’t ever follow His lead. We’ll stay stuck, perched right on the edge of obedience and radical trust but held back by fear, doubt, and unbelief.
But if we say yes and take that leap even when our heart is beating out of our chest and we don’t know how exactly it’s going to work and we’re unqualified and inexperienced and clumsy and mess up a lot, then what?
Maybe, just maybe, it becomes less about what we can do and more about what God can do through us.
Maybe, just maybe, we’ll realize we don’t have to do this thing perfectly, we just have to do it.
Maybe, just maybe, God’s grace and love and mercy will begin to shine through all our imperfections and reveal His perfect beauty to a world who desperately needs Him.
And maybe we’ll finally understand it really isn’t about us at all.
My current leap of faith into scary, unknown territory involves speaking. I’m sure I’ve whined much more than Moses but God has not relented in His asking nor has He provided anyone to speak for me. I’d rather stay right here behind the keyboard but yes, Lord.
What about you? How can I pray for you today?
Upcoming Events:
You are invited to listen in on a conversation between myself and Teri Johnson of Keeping It Personal on Thursday, December 18 @ 12:00 pm Central time. The episode will be on eWN Radio Network >>
{NOTE: It will air live here too >>}
After the show goes live (and if you miss it) it will be accessible on iTunes, HERE >> —