(Adapted from original post on January 29, 2012)
When you think of Valentine’s Day, maybe you have memories of waiting in line for two hours to have a romantic dinner out, flowers that suddenly double in price, or sugar-filled candy hearts that say I love you (and add a few lbs to the scale). No matter your personal thoughts or feelings (or past experiences) on this month’s holiday, February 14th is about showing someone you love them.
And since God IS LOVE, why not use the month of February to take extra time letting others know how much HE loves them?
Although there are countless numbers of ways to do this, I have listed five to help get the ideas flowing:
- Make scripture “love notes” to pass out. Leave them for your waiter along with your generous tip, hand them to the cashier as you go through your favorite fast food place, send to your child’s teacher in his homework folder, leave on a co-worker’s desk, pass to a stranger, etc.
- Pay it forward. Do something nice for a stranger without expecting anything in return.
- Treat someone to lunch. LISTEN, smile, and encourage.
- Send out an email offering to pray for any needs or requests for whoever responds. PRAY FOR THEM. And then follow up with a visit or handwritten note/card in the mail.
- Play “Secret Santa” and give God the credit. Surprise someone with a gift and leave an anonymous note that says, “Jesus loves you or God’s thoughts of you today are too many to count.”

Notice how each of these is used as a tool to remind people (or let them know for the first time) that they are loved extravagantly by their Daddy God. The purpose is not to bring glory or recognition to ourselves, but to Him alone. We were created in His image to love as He loves – not just on Valentine’s Day but everyday.
“I give you a new commandment: that you should love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too should love one another,” (John 13:34).
Do you have any creative sharing ideas you’d like to add to the list? Leave them in the comment section below.
The winner of last week’s giveaway is MELISSA LONGVAL! Congratulations, girl! Send me your email address!