Do you believe in the power of prayer?
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16 (NIV)
I invited one of my favorite Bible study teachers and friend Wendy Blight to share with you today about Praying to God Our Promise-Keeper.
I am also throwing some confetti from Texas over yesterday’s release of her new Bible Study and DVD, I Know His Name. And to keep in the spirit of celebration, I thought I’d have a little giveaway! Answer one of the questions at the end of this post by leaving a comment in the comment section for a chance to win a $10.00 Amazon e-gift card (to use toward your very own copy of Wendy’s new book!). Winner will be announced February 10.
And now, here’s Wendy!
Knowing God by name. Calling upon God by name. Praying His Word … His Promises … back to Him are powerful and effective ways to usher God’s life-transforming work into our lives because our God is a Promise-Keeper.
But prayer is hard. It doesn’t come naturally to most women. I know it didn’t for me. The thought of praying out loud intimidated me. Made me feel uncomfortable.
But I have also learned that without prayer, we will never get to know the promise-keeping side of God. In order to know our Promise-Keeper, we’ve got to interact with Him. Pray to Him. And more than just pray, pray His promises … His Word … back to Him. It’s the substance of His promises that transform our prayers to be those powerful and effective prayers James talks about in James 5:16.
This truth came alive to me last year at a women’s conference in Houston.
The women’s ministry leader invited me to share my testimony. It’s a hard story for me to tell. In 1986, just days after my graduation from Baylor University, I fell victim to an armed, masked man hiding in my apartment. The horrific events of that June day locked me in a prison of fear for years. I hated God. I felt abandoned and forgotten by the One I grew up believing loved and cared for me.
A few weeks after my attack, a friend gave me this promise: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deut. 31:6, NIV). But at the time, it meant nothing. In fact, I saw it as a lie. He had forsaken me. He sat on his throne in heaven and watched what happened to me and did nothing.
Thankfully, God did not leave me in that dark place. As time passed, my heart slowly opened to God’s Word. It was a long and arduous journey, but over a decade later, through much prayer and the transforming power of His Word healing came. Freedom came. My test became a powerful testimony.
As I closed my message and stepped off the stage, a woman walked up and shared her story. Little did I know it was my story too.
She had been a student at Baylor at the time of my attack. She was part of a ministry whose leader invited them to pray for the young woman who had been attacked (me). They prayed a passage from Psalm 62 over me every week … for two years! They prayed the promises of the Promise-Keeper.
Grasp the miracle here. At the very time I felt abandoned by God, He had raised up believers to pray. And not just pray, but pray God’s Word. His promises. She showed me her Bible. Yes, she still had it! Next to the passage was 1986 and my name.
As I read the passage, I saw clearly how each promise had come alive in my life. My promise-keeping God had honored each and every one.
I pray my story not only encourages you to pray but also opens doors for you to invite others to pray. Because you never know what God is up to in the midst of all those prayers!
Will you join me in praying God’s Word back to the One who is our Promise-Keeper? He always honors His Word. In fact, Isaiah 55:11 promises His Word will never return void and will accomplish everything He desires and achieve every purpose for which He sent it … even thirty years later!
In addition to God Our Promise-Keeper, there are hundreds of Names of God. I invite you to visit Wendy’s blog to get a sneak peek of her newest Bible study, I Know His Name and also sign up for her FREE companion devotional, “5 Days to Knowing God More Intimately.”
And now it’s your turn to join the conversation! Answer one of the following questions and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a $10.00 Amazon e-gift card.
- Do you have your own personal story of God as the Promise-Keeper? Like Wendy, you can use your story to encourage others. Share with us in the comment section below.
- What is your favorite scripture to pray back to God the Promise-Keeper?
Shelly, thank you for you kind words and for inviting me on your blog today! It’s my passion to teach the Bible, and most especially to help draw women closer to God through prayer. So I am so grateful for every opportunity to do so. And thanks not only for sharing my new book,”I Know His Name,” with your friends and your church but also for coming alongside me in prayer and love. I am so grateful to and thankful for you!!
Thank YOU for sharing your gift of teaching with us! I’m honored to come alongside you and overjoyed to share you with my friends
This sounds like an awesome Bible study! Prayer is definitely the place to interact and get to know God personally. I love praying the scriptures or confessing the Word over myself or others. For example, in Isaiah 50 verse 4, I would say, Thank You Lord that You awaken me morning by morning, You open my ears to hear a word in season for those who are weary! Amen! Heading over to check out Wendy’s blog!
Oh, I am with you, Martha!! Praying God’s Word is the key to powerful and effective prayer. The verse you shared is wonderful. I also love to claim Isaiah 55:11 when I pray, thanking Him that as I pray His Word, it will not return void but accomplish what He desires and achieve the purposes for which He sent it.
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your heart!
Mom! Thanks for stopping by!
I love the way you pray God’s Word over our family. You are going to love Wendy! Love you!
My Life Verse is Psalm 73:26, “I admit how broken I am in body and spirit,
but God is my strength, and He will be mine forever.” It empowers me to come before the Lord admitting how fragile I am and how strong He is.
I also love to pray this from Psalm 119:18, “Let me see clearly so that I may take in the amazing things coming from Your law” before I dig into His word to open myself up to what He has for me to learn and live.
Thanks for sharing both of these verses. Honestly, that first verse was for me today.
So good, Melissa!! Thank you!
My life verse is Proverbs 16:24 Kind words are like honey: sweet to the soul and healthy to the body. To use my words to make much of Jesus and help encourage others with the stories of my life…My favorite Psalm is Psalm 34 and pray it often <3
Amen! Thanks for joining the conversation today, Melissa!
This is really good, thanks for sharing! ❤️
Hey sis! Thanks for stopping by! You will love Wendy, too!
Shelly, thanks for sharing! I can’t wait to get my copy of Wendy’s book. Psalm 52: 8 “But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.” I want to be like a tree, my roots nourished by faith, trust, and God’s love. I believe that prayer is so powerful and connects us to God. I want to be more and more connected each day.
I love that, Beth! Thank you so much for sharing!
I love to pray Psalms 103 back to the LORD, esp verses 1-5. It reminds me of all He has done for me and all I know He will continue to do for us.
Those verses are forever highlighted in my Bible! I prayed them over and over while going through cancer many years ago. Thank you for the reminder of God’s faithfulness, Polly!
Hello girls!
I am Helen, Brazilian and love for God’s Word.
It has been so good rd with you through each devotional …