Today is such an exciting day!! And this blog post is a big ol’ internet hug to my friend, Nicki!
Bookstores across the nation have officially opened their shelves to 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn’t Quit by Nicki Koziarz!
Online retailers have stocked their cyber cabinets and are currently stuffing books into boxes and envelopes to be sent all over the world!
Women are uniting in a common cause – TO KEEP GOING!
We are getting armed and equipped and ready to FINISH WELL.
If you’ve ever struggled with following through or giving up on things that matter, you have to read this book. It’s fun and full of personality (because, hello . . . Nicki!) but even more important is the wisdom found in these 5 habits Nicki uncovers in the book of Ruth. Biblical wisdom and insight that will help you finish what you’ve been called to do. Even when things get hard.
Anyone ever had to push through to finish well when things got hard? Or just finish?
Because finishing doesn’t always look pretty but there is something about crossing that line, isn’t there?
I’m in the middle of something right in this very moment that I am so tempted to just pull the plug on. Stop. Quit. Give up. Vacate the premises. Throw in the towel.
Catch my drift?
“Momentary feelings will always try to convince us to forfeit our faithfulness.” (pg 49)
But yesterday in the airport I found myself directly behind a marathon runner on my way to baggage claim. He was wearing his Marathon Finisher jacket but he was moving slowly, limping even. I’m pretty sure his finish wasn’t as pretty or as strong as he hoped.
I bet there were even some who breezed right by him on this difficult journey that could’ve possibly taken him out (and they probably look fabulous doing it).
But you know what? He finished.
And that’s HUGE.
He didn’t give up when the going got tough or sit down on the bench when running felt hard.
Life sometimes tempts us to give up. And not just on things like diets and exercise, although that, too. Life sometimes tempts us to give up on dreams and goals and work and ministry and other people and even God.
But we can’t.
“A man who endures trials is blessed, because when he passes the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12)
One of my favorite things Nicki says is found in chapter one. She says,
I want to live a life committed to God and committed to the things that matter. I don’t want to just choose what feels good or looks good in the moment.
I don’t want to miss the rewards of following through on the important stuff.
I want to be a woman who continues moving forward in faith.
What about you? Have you been tempted to throw in the towel? Do things feel hard right now?
I have a book I think you should read.
Get it here –> Amazon
Or here –> Proverbs 31 Bookstore
Or any local bookstore!
And if you don’t want to read it alone, I have a few friends who will be reading it soon. You can join them here –> P31 Online Bible Studies
What a wonderful review. This is a must read for everyone. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks, Katrina! Blessings!
Needed this at this exact moment Shelly….thank you! Just ordered book on Amazon. Can’t wait. And I’ve got James 1:12 now written out on my dashboard. Grateful for you hope you are doing well!
Hi Sarah! So glad you stopped by! You will LOVE the book! Hope you are also doing well! Hugs my friend! xoxo