The room was cold and the contractions were strong. I was 19 and just minutes away from becoming a mother for the first time. In the middle of my pain and overwhelming anxiety, I remember saying, “I changed my mind. I don’t want to do this. I can’t do this.”
Because that’s what I sometimes do when things get uncomfortable.
And I was certainly uncomfortable.
It felt too hard and too scary so I was ready to walk away from it. Except there are some things you can’t walk away from, right? Ready or not, like it or not, I was on the brink of giving birth to a 9 lb 1 oz baby girl. There was no walking away and no turning back. I had to stay.
And through the staying, a miracle was born.
If only we could be forced into staying every time we were minutes away from our miracle. But most of the time, we don’t know how close we are. We feel the pain and discomfort and we walk away before our breakthrough.
But I’ve learned there is power in staying.
Staying makes room for miracles. It grows roots, confirms covenants, and changes generations.
David stayed in the battle even when Goliath advanced. God took what was in David’s hands and used it to defeat the great enemy that stood before him (1 Samuel 17). David’s staying secured complete victory for the Israelite army.
Paul and Silas stayed in prison even when the doors were opened. Their staying created opportunity for the jailer and his whole household to be saved (Acts 16:25-34).
Esther stayed in the palace, even when faced with the possibility of death. Her staying saved her people.
Nehemiah stayed on task and continued rebuilding the wall, even in the midst of opposition and intimidation. His staying restored the hope of a nation.
Sometimes God commands us to go.
But other times He asks us to stay.
No matter what He’s requiring of you today, He promises to be with you.
We don’t have to be moved by our emotions; we can be made stable by the Word.
We don’t have to follow our feelings; we can stand firm in our faith.
Is there some place God is asking you to dig in and stay?
Dear God, Thank you for promising to never leave us. We know we can trust that no matter what you ask or require of us, you will be right there with us. Open our ears so we can hear Your voice clearly. Soften our hearts and give us desire to obey. May we have the courage to stay when You say stay and go when You say go. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
“At the command of the Lord they remain encamped, and at the command of the Lord they journeyed . . ” Numbers 9:23
Shelly, this is timely, beautifully worded and wholly empowering. What a gentle reminder that mircles often ensue when we dig in, when we stay the course! ((Hugs))
Blessings to you. – Selena
Hi friend! Such a blessing to see you here! What an honor to have the Holy Spirit speak to your heart through these words. Hugs right back to you!
Our blessings come when we pray for, watch, and wait on His direction…this message is timely Shelly… thanks!
Hi Vickie! Thanks for stopping by!
What a wonderful word ! And yes, it is right on time, confirming something the Lord has requested of me.
So good to hear from you again Shelly, congratulations on the new job and Happy belated Anniversary!
Blessings from East Texas,
Thank you, Suzanne!
I love you! Thank you for these words that came at the perfect time for me!!! I’ve been asking for guidance and clear direction on something (because it’s gotten uncomfortable) and this has helped encourage me!
Thank u! Hope to visit soon!
And I love YOU! Yes, let’s visit soon!
Thoughtful and insightful, Shelley. Thanks for sharing and encouraging us all to listen to His specific direction, not our own comfortable wants.
Thank you, Jill. Those comfortable wants cause much delay, don’t they?