His Grace Covers
After a day wallowing in self-pity and discouragement and spreading an unpleasant attitude all throughout my house (attitude is contagious, you know), God graciously and mercifully pricks my heart and shows me the error of my ways.
My seven year old and I had been reading a Proverbs a day that month and His prayer that very night just happened to be founded on Proverbs 14:1.
“…and God help us to be wise. Like the woman in…what was it? Chapter fourteen? The wise woman builds her house but a foolish one tears it down with hear hands. Yes. Help us, God, to be like the wise woman and not like the one who tore her house down with her hands. Amen” (Logan, 7).
His grace, found in words breathed out by my youngest child, covers and urges me to run back to my Savior.
I am undone and convicted. God scoops up and washes clean, makes new, remembers not.
Isn’t that grace? Not that we would take it and continue as we are but that we would be so overwhelmed with His goodness and mercy even in our sin that we run back to Him?
A thousand times I fail and still His arms reach wide and His embrace is gentle. Always loving. Always covering.
When I make a mess of things, when I spew words of anger and say things I regret, when I want to close my eyes and Just. Start. Over. ~ God is always enough and His grace always covers.
In Chapter 11 of our ACH study, Renee Swope talks about the woman she wants to be. I, too, want to be a woman with a confident heart, a display of God’s splendor. I want my life to be transformed so that Jesus is revealed…even in my attitude…even in my home.
I can be that woman. You can be that woman.
When we live in the power of God’s promises and in a place of surrender, our life bows down to His will, His plans, His purposes and He raises us up as a vessel for His glory on earth (and in our marriage and in our parenting).
“You are a chosen [woman], a royal [priest], a holy [daughter], God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light” (1 Pet. 2:9).
Prayer: God, we come to you messy and imperfect and broken. We surrender to you and we choose to live in the power of Your promises. Thank you for loving us even when we are unlovely. Your Word assures us that Your love never fails, never ends, never leaves. It also promises that Your grace is enough and Your strength and power are made perfect and shown most effective in our weakness. Take what we have and use it for Your glory alone. Transform us and make us more like Jesus that we might be a display of Your splendor on earth. In Jesus name, Amen. (Ps. 136, Ps. 52:8, 1 John 3:1, 2 Cor. 12:9, Col. 1:27, Is. 62:3)
Power To Become
I see thousands of women standing at the edge of the very place God has created them for. Destiny is within their grasp and yet somehow they can’t seem to reach it. Held back by fear, uncertainty, and doubt their feet stay planted and their arms remain bound. I have been in this great company of women. I have stared at the vast fields that lie ahead and the wide open territory waiting to be discovered. I have seen it, but my own thoughts and insecurities have placed boundaries around my ability to hope, my courage to dream, and my boldness to act. The edge feels safe and familiar while stepping over is risky and uncomfortable. Today, God is setting us free. STEP OVER and INTO the place of authority, favor, and provision that was created for you even before time. Become who God created you to be.
Our scripture this week (ACH Week 4) is John 1:12. It says, “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name:”
I have read this verse many times but this time. This time was different.
Three simple words strung together form a phrase that can change everything.
Power to become.
Unless we understand what this power is, we run the risk of never fully walking in it. In the original Greek (from the Strong’s Concordance) the word “power” here is defined as: privilege, authority, right, strength.
So, it is not just strength, although that is part, but it is a divine privilege given to us when we are spiritually adopted into the kingdom of heaven. We cannot know our place as a child of God until we first make the decision to receive from God the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. And although we have this great honor and undeserved privilege- this power to become- we will not become until we believe on His name, accept His covenant of grace, and begin to truly understand our heritage as a child of God.
The word “become” in the original Greek means: to cause to be; arise, be fulfilled, be made.
There is a transformation that takes place when we begin to walk in the spiritual place of privilege reserved for us. We become. We arise. We are fulfilled. We are made complete.
Our rights as children of God include a heritage unlike any other. A spiritual status of honor, although undeserved, is rightly ours. Every thing – every benefit – found within the fullness of Christ is ours.
That thing God has called you to do that you’ve been hesitant to do because you’re afraid you might fail or you think you’re not good enough? Maybe you don’t understand the power to become that’s been given to you. Maybe you haven’t discovered all the benefits already yours. Open your Bible, pray, and let God reveal to you what is rightfully yours. This is the day for you to arise. There is a spiritual place of privilege reserved in your name.
Slow Down, Friend
Slow down, friend.
This life is more than doing.
It is beauty to behold and a heart to fill.
It is a gift unlike any other and it is worth living well.
Recognize stress and worry for the thieves they are.
Embrace peace and joy instead.
Focus not on perfection or how well you can please others
But love with your whole self and do your best in all things.
You’ll be tempted to hurry and rush right through,
But walk, don’t run.
See each moment and hold it as long as you can
Then let it go and wrap your arms around the next.
Be present wherever you are and see, really see, those who share your journey.
Look your children in their eyes and breathe in time spent there.
Cherish your spouse with love and respect and hold hands, too.
See the gift of the moment and linger long.
The rewards of living exist in loving and being loved.
It is not found at the top of the corporate ladder
In the bottom of an emptied laundry basket
Or even in the middle of the living room of a big, fancy house.
The most important things can be felt with the heart
Can be taken with you wherever you go
Will never leave you no matter your circumstances
And will grow with you no matter your age.
Work hard, yes, but don’t forget to live.
Accomplish much but accomplish things that matter.
Don’t be afraid of the big things, but don’t miss the little things.
Dream God-sized dreams and acknowledge the ones that have already come true.
Be brave and step out of the boat
Gather courage and dare to fly
Soar to greater heights and make your place in history
But keep your roots deep and remember love is kind.
Slow down, my friend.
This life is more than doing.
This life, your life, is a gift
And it is worth living well.