Hi friends!
I’m excited (and having a few other emotions – see confession at bottom of post) to let you in on something that’s been on my heart for a while. Starting today, every Wednesday I’ll be sharing encouragement via a video right here on the blog. I’d rather we sit down together and have a chat over coffee but this will have to do for now.
(Click here if you can’t see the video in your email)
Scripture references:
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] ~ Matthew 11:28 AMP
The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. ~Psalm 145:14 NIV
How can I pray for you today? Leave your request in the comment section or send me a private email – prayer@shellyafaust.com
Remember, you can choose have my posts sent directly to your email. Click here to sign up!
Confession: I have been trying to post videos for about two years now. I do not like watching or hearing myself. My voice sounds funny, my teeth aren’t straight . . . you know all those little things we pick ourselves apart with. Seriously, you should’ve seen me and my mom laughing on the porch about this video. But, I’m posting anyway. I’m getting over myself and all those things that don’t matter. And I’ll keep watching and listening until I no longer break out in hives about sharing here with you. In the meantime, I know I’m collecting funny videos to use as part of my testimony one day Lol Thanks for being here and keeping me company while God continues to force me out of my comfort zone.
One more thing. After watching the video and seeing the title, I think I like “A Word on Wednesday” better than “Wednesday’s Word.” What do you think?